Cocker Spaniel Behavior: Lovable And Horrific

Owning lovable Cocker Spaniels is a joy and you have many pleasant things to tell about them. Anybody can be mesmerized by the beauty of this adorable dog’s coat. It is up to you to select from a choice of solid colors or part colors. This canine breed requires regular trimming and grooming if you do not want it to look like a furry monster. A Cocker Spaniel is very playful and, whenever you its wagging tail, you know how happy it is to see you.

Stroking its coat, you provide soothing feel for your Cocker Spaniel and, when you bring your dog closer to you, it definitely is a bonding moment for both of you. Thus, in reality, your dog hates to be alone. It is then you notice change in your Cocker Spaniel behaviour.

The fierce and furious character of a Cocker Spaniel dismays many owners. The Rage Syndrome is a coined word that has not been accepted officially to mean it as Cocker Spaniel behaviour. It has been established that it is not inherent in all Cocker Spaniels.

Results of certain researches say that out of 10 Cocker Spaniel dogs, seven males dominate the study for being more aggressive than females. From an experiment involving almost equal number of males and females, the Rage Syndrome detected 82.7% of the males.

Cocker Spaniels with solid colors are apparently prone to have this Cocker Spaniel behaviour over parti-colored dogs according to the research. These solid color dogs with raging behaviour accounted for 38.6% of the total population involved in the study. By looking at the data, it revealed an edge of red/golden coats that took 52.1% of the solid color aggressors while black coats took 47.9%.

These dogs dislike being disciplined or being handled because sometimes they, mostly males, become unfriendly to other dogs, to their owners, or to a member of the owner’s family. Based on the research, there is no evidence of environmental component to link it to the vicious behaviour of Cocker Spaniels. Instead, the researchers agreed to look for possible genetic component link.

The study took another turn by categorizing the dogs into neutered and non-neutered. By observing the neutered group, it was discovered that the neutered females displayed more aggressiveness than neutered males. These neutered females attacked children at home. Nevertheless, the findings made the conclusion that neutering was a mere consequence of aggression and not its cause. Through the method of clustering, closer examination validated that the Rage Syndrome was an expression of social dominance and from a type of epilepsy called complex partial seizures.

It was the suggestion that dog owners send their dogs to EEG and genetic testing to analyze and make further diagnosis what Cocker Spaniel behaviour is really. Cocker Spaniel owners should support the research and it seemed it was not happening. As a result, the more in-depth research cannot be done. It is thought of a kind of holding back by dog owners regretting when their dogs ferociously attack a household member. This leaves dog behaviour experts nothing to work on.


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