How To Stop Your Dog Peeing In The House...

Does your dog pee in the house? Here are some tips to help deal with the situation, understand what’s going on, and solve the problem so you and your canine companion can remain friends.

First you need to understand the underlying cause of the problem.

A dog does not just start peeing in his own house for the fun of it. Ask yourself if your dog is peeing in the house or merely marking his territory?

A big clue is normally found in the location. If the dog is peeing against upright objects then it is probably an attempt to mark his territory. Male dogs normally cock their legs when they pee so they necessarily pee against upright objects. A good clue is the amount of urine involved. If you’re drowning in the stuff it’s a pretty sure bet that your dog is regarding the house as his new toilet and you need to discourage him. Should you have only small puddles to deal with, then the cause is more likely to be related to marking territory.

Copious amounts normally means the dog is urinating because he feels the need to do so and either couldn’t, or didn’t want to, go out. If your dog pees during the night it might be a good plan to let him drink more earlier, rather than later at night, and take him outside for a pee before going to bed.

Understanding why dogs mark their territory.

A dog has a sense of smell that is significantly more developed than that of a human. (This is one of the reasons they are used as sniffer dogs by Police Forces around the world to find explosives or drugs.) While his urine might smell offensive to humans, to other dogs it is as good as a letter. It tells them who he is, and whether he or she is available to mate. It also establishes dominance over other dogs (“I was here first, so this is my turf”


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