Canine Thickened Bladder Wall - Simple Tips For Helping Your Dog

Canine thickened bladder wall can occur in dogs of any age, but it usually presents itself with older pets. Something to keep in mind should your pet experience this ailment is that it can be caused by many different things. In a broad sense, canine thickened bladder wall issues refer to anything that causes irritation and inflammation to the urinary system. Another term you may hear in conjunction with this ailment is cystitis. Again, this is a general term and does not necessarily refer to a specific cause.

The most common cause of canine thickened bladder wall in dogs of all ages is an infection caused by bacteria. Other common causes include stones, polyps, tumors, and fungal infections.

The actual canine thickened bladder wall cannot be seen by the owner, of course, so other signs and symptoms must be used to alert owners of a problem. There are some fairly common signs seen in animals presenting with this ailment. They include the presence of blood in the urine, this is also known as hematuria. You may also notice that your dog is having a difficult time when he or she tries to void. There may be obvious signs of pain or you may notice that it is taking much longer for the animal to void than usual. In some cases, even after a long period of trying, the amount released will be very small. Another common sign is that they urinate more frequently than normal. All of these are signs that your dog may have canine thickened bladder wall problems.

The treatment for canine thickened bladder wall ailments depends on the cause of the irritation and inflammation. If the problem is due to a bacterial infection, antibiotics will usually be prescribed. If the cause is related to stones, other treatment options may be called for, depending on the size and shape of the stones. Your veterinarian is the only one who can truly diagnosis the problem and offer treatment options. She might suggest changes in diet to a Prescription Diet that is capable of dissolving struvite stones and will reinforce the importance of providing your dog with plenty of clean drinking water.

Your veterinarian will also do a urinalysis to determine if the urine is doing the job it is supposed to do, cleanse the urinary tract and remove the bacteria and crystals that cause canine thickened bladder wall and infection. One natural approach is to consider homeopathic or natural supplements. Natural ingredients such as Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis and Staphysagris are all associated with helping your dog’s bladder, urethra and entire urinary system.

Your vet will need to do some tests in order to rule out various causes of the canine thickened bladder wall problem. . When taking your dog to the vet for possible canine thickened bladder wall issues, try to have notes on when the problem began as well as if anything unusual occurred before the onset. This might include anything from changing its diet to possible physical injury.


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